How to Order My New Book: “The Forgotten Era”

My next book “The Forgotten Era” will soon be published and is now ready to pre-order on Amazon UK and Amazon USA. Please see below for more information about the book, and a list of answers to all those questions you are about to ask… ;-)


When can I order the new book?


Where can I order the book?

order it from here
order it from Amazon UK here

order it from Barnes & Noble here

How much will the book cost?

UK: £25

USA: $35

When will the book be delivered?

February 20, 2025 onwards

What is this new book about?

The book is a prequel to my previous book What Britain Did to Nigeria. Most books about Africa are about slavery or colonialism (i.e. a history of what Europeans did in Africa, rather than a history of Africans themselves). In contrast, this book will be about West Africa before its colonisation. Pre-colonial West Africa had a wonderful series of lore to rival those of ancient Greece and Rome, and was not part of a backward ‘dark continent’ as often portrayed.

Just like the Americas, Asia, and Europe, pre-colonial West Africa had its own mesmerising cast of revolutionaries, intellectuals, innovators, and villainous assassins. These include the family that inspired a revolution in the lands to which their ancestors migrated, overthrew three different kingdoms that had reigned for over 1000 years, created the biggest state in pre-colonial Africa, and when not causing revolutions; found time to write over 300 different books and pamphlets. There is also the royal court official who engineered the death of four kings that he worked for, and the little slave boy who became the first black bishop in history, a linguist, scholar, prolific writer, and met and befriended Queen Victoria and other leading members of the British aristocracy. This is a vital read for those who want to discover a forgotten era of West African history.

How can I buy your previous books?

From here, these places and also here.

Book details:

Full title: The Forgotten Era: Nigeria Before British Rule

Publication Date: February 20th, 2025

Pages: 352

Language: English

ISBN: 9780745350080

ISBN-10: 0745350089

Publisher: Pluto Press

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